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Room Parties

by Ron Blanchett last modified 2007-05-06 23:49
Penguicon would like to see room parties. Lots and lots of room parties! HUGE room parties!! And we're going to help try to make your room party a success. For every group that registers their room party ahead of time with the convention, we can make the following things available

  • A spiffy mention of your room party in our Program Book, including a description of your group. (A great help for WorldCon bid parties!)
  • Advance announcement of your room party on the Penguicon web site.
  • A link to your group's web site (if you have one) published on the Penguicon website "Links" page.
  • A mention of your room party on the hotel's information channel.
  • Help with room placement in the hotel, to insure you don't wind up in the "out of the way" location. (Unless, that is, you WANT that out of the way location.)

How could you possibly pass this up? But wait - there's MORE! You will also receive one coupon for broadband hotel room internet access per night that you have a party. Please e-mail all questions and any requests to register a room party to: [email protected]

Firefly Shindig. Dress up in your favourite Firefly costumes and come watch the Big Damn Heroes with us. We bring you the very best episodes. We will have fruity oaty bars and snacks. Bring your own Mudders’ Milk. Friday

Hafla. Bring your drums, zills and hipscarves for an evening of drumming and bellydancing. The hafla will start at 8:00 PM and go until we start wandering the halls like the nomads we are. Saturday

UHACC, Unix Hobbyists', Administrators', and Coders' Club, Friday and Saturday

ConverStation, the room party of the relaxicon ConVersation. There will be DDR, Karaoke, food, fun!, Friday and Saturday

Kingdom of Loathing and Home Star Runner. Plenty of food and drinks. Themes based on these two online games alternating Friday and Saturday. Gerald will be in costume! One Friday, the other Saturday

Pirates! This is not a room party, but the pirates WILL be roaming the halls, crashing ALL the parties, so keep your ears open!

YAAARC. Robots! Dread Pirate Robot WILL be in attendance. Saturday, 8pm - ? Coffee, coffee, coffee! What more do you need to know?

Heinlein Centennial. Celebrate this infamous sci-fi author's hundredth with the rest of us fans!

Conclave Party. The room party for the science fiction and fantasy convention ConClave. A great time to pre-register for another sci-fi con. Saturday

ClubFusion, the room party of the science fiction convention ConFusion. Always a good time! Never too early to pre-register, right? There will also be an discussion Saturday around noon. Friday and Saturday

GT Room. (General Technics.) Right next to ClubFusion a room for Techies to hang out and geek about programming, coffee, dessert, or whatever we can find for Show and Tell. 24/7 throughout con

Elven Toast, Get there early if you want to participate in this recently-renewed tradtion! All are welcome. Saturday 9pm - 10pm

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